Monday, July 21, 2014

[VIDEO] Springboard South Music Festival 2014 (Day One) w/ @BigShane337 @SpringboardFest

Incase you didnt make it to the first day of the Springboard Music Festival in Houston Tx, then this is a preview of what you missed... from the music panels/conference, to the band mall where various vendors and companies promote/sell their product, also the MOMENT OF TRUTH on the rooftop patio, where each artist plays a 1 minute snippet of a song/single, in the presence of music/film, & industry execs. Brought to you by SlabTV & Big Shane (OverNightGang). GO FOLLOW @SPRINGBOARDFEST to stay updated!! Follow Big Shane on Twitter & Instagram: @BigShane337 - Checkout & for music, media, & merchandise.

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